

Insight Observatory fournit des services en ligne de télescopes à distance pour la sensibilisation à l'éducation et l'astrophotographie à partir d'observatoires distants dans le monde entier.

Insight Observatory stands at the forefront of revolutionizing astronomical imaging and education through its cutting-edge online remote telescope services. Our remote telescope network, strategically located in the pristine dark skies of both the northern and southern hemispheres, offers unparalleled access to celestial wonders for educational outreach, advanced research, and captivating astrophotography. These remote telescopes are available as imaging options on our Advanced Image Request (AIR), Basic Image Request (BIR), and Educational Image Request (EIR) forms via our online ATEO Portal.

Pictured: Insight Observatory's affiliate remote telescope, ATEO-1 nestled in the picturesque Sage Observatory within Utah Desert Remote Observatories in Beryl, Utah, USA.


Pictured: Unlocking the beauty of our Starbase image sets, our clients have transformed raw data into captivating visuals.

Référentiel d'images de la base stellaire

Starbase offers a meticulously organized repository of image sets, each focusing on a specific astronomical object. Through the use of filters, astrophotographers and image processors can capture diverse characteristics of these celestial entities, providing unparalleled depth and detail in their imagery.

Notably, deep sky objects are often the subject of prolonged observation, with image sets spanning from days to months. Conversely, images of planets, comets, and the moon are typically obtained within a single imaging session, offering comprehensive snapshots of these closer celestial bodies.

Upon purchasing an image set from Starbase, astrophotographers and image processors gain access to high-quality raw image data, as well as master calibration files such as bias, darks, and flats, where applicable. This comprehensive package empowers photographers to delve into the nuances of their captured imagery, ensuring the highest quality results in their astrophotography endeavors.

Learn more about Insight Observatory's discounted image set packages acquired on its 16" f/3.75 astrograph (ATEO-1), 12.5 f/9 Ritchey-Cretien (ATEO-3), and AG Optical 10" Dall Kirkham f/6.7 (AFIL-1) affiliate remote telescopes.

Le nom "Insight Observatory" a été donné au projet, car il semblait être une désignation appropriée. Le nom est en rapport avec sa mission : offrir un aperçu aux étudiants et au public en les exposant à la science de l'astronomie et aux projets de recherche auxquels ils peuvent participer et, éventuellement, contribuer à une découverte.

Illustration: Des élèves de 5e et 8e année utilisant les télescopes à distance ATEO via le formulaire de demande d'images éducatives (EIR) de l'Observatoire Insight pour leurs recherches et leurs projets en classe (en bas à gauche et à droite). Le personnel de l'Observatoire Insight a organisé un atelier d'astrophotographie avec télescope à distance dans une bibliothèque publique locale (en haut à gauche).

Ces images incroyables ont été acquises à l'observatoire Insight